OpenCV  3.1.0-dev
Open Source Computer Vision
Functions | Variables
modelConvert.m File Reference


'printToYML:second-argument matrix should have two dimensions' error ()
 fclose (outfile)
 fprintf (outfile, '%%YAML:1.0\n\n')
 fprintf (outfile, ['options:\n'... 'numberOfTrees:8\n'... 'numberOfTreesToEvaluate:4\n'... 'selfsimilarityGridSize:5\n'... 'stride:2\n'... 'shrinkNumber:2\n'... 'patchSize:32\n'... 'patchInnerSize:16\n'... 'numberOfGradientOrientations:4\n'... 'gradientSmoothingRadius:0\n'... 'regFeatureSmoothingRadius:2\n'... 'ssFeatureSmoothingRadius:8\n'... 'gradientNormalizationRadius:4\n\n'])
 fprintf (outfile, 'childs:\n')
 fprintf (outfile, 'featureIds:\n')
 fprintf (outfile, 'thresholds:\n')
 fprintf (outfile, 'edgeBoundaries:\n')
 fprintf (outfile, 'edgeBins:\n')
 fprintf (outfile, '%d,', A(i, 1:end-1))
 fprintf (outfile, '%d]\n', A(i, end))
 fprintf (outfile, '-[')
 fprintf (outfile, '%d,', A(first:last))
 fprintf (outfile, '%d]\n', A(last+1))
end end fprintf (outfile, '\n')
 gzip (outname)
end if (size(A, 2)~=1) for i
function modelConvert (model, outname)%%script for converting Piotr's matlab model into YAML format outfile
 printToYML (outfile, model.child', 0)
 printToYML (outfile, model.fids', 0)
 printToYML (outfile, model.thrs', 0)
 printToYML (outfile, model.eBnds, N)
end function printToYML (outfile, A, N)%%append matrix A to outfile as%%-[a11


end function a12
end function a13
end function a14
for i
 last = min(i*N, len) - 1
end else len = length(A)
 N = 1000

Function Documentation

'printToYML: second-argument matrix should have two dimensions' error ( )
fclose ( outfile  )
fprintf ( outfile  ,
fprintf ( outfile  )
fprintf ( outfile  ,
fprintf ( outfile  ,
fprintf ( outfile  ,
fprintf ( outfile  ,
fprintf ( outfile  ,
fprintf ( outfile  ,
'%  d,
A(i, 1:end-1)   
fprintf ( outfile  ,
'%d]\n'  ,
A(i, end)   
fprintf ( outfile  ,
fprintf ( outfile  ,
'%  d,
fprintf ( outfile  ,
'%d]\n'  ,
end end fprintf ( outfile  ,
gzip ( outname  )
end if ( size(A, 2)~  = 1)
function modelConvert ( model  ,
printToYML ( outfile  ,
model.child'  ,
printToYML ( outfile  ,
model.fids'  ,
printToYML ( outfile  ,
model.thrs'  ,
printToYML ( outfile  ,
model.  eBnds,
end function printToYML ( outfile  ,

Variable Documentation

end function a12
end function a13
end function a14
for i
Initial value:
first = (i-1)*N + 1
Definition: modelConvert.m:31
end else len
Definition: modelConvert.m:62
for i
Definition: modelConvert.m:63
contours2.cpp, convexhull.cpp, cout_mat.cpp, demhist.cpp, distrans.cpp, fitellipse.cpp, houghcircles.cpp, houghlines.cpp, kmeans.cpp, minarea.cpp, pca.cpp, and watershed.cpp.
last = min(i*N, len) - 1
end else len = length(A)
N = 1000